Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Women’s Empowerment for Rural Development in Northern Albania

The Agency for Local Self-Government Support attaches particular importance to gender equality and the development of the country by strengthening the figure of women in decision-making. On March 7, on the eve of International Women’s Day, in T...

Meeting of the Working Group on Integration, in focus Chapter 22.

At the next meeting of the Inter-institutional Working Group for Integration, focusing on chapter 22 of the negotiations with the European Union, which is related to Regional Policies, it will be discussed how this process can practically serve citiz...

Works on the Tirana-Durrës road axis

The works on the Tirana-Durres road axis are progressing at a rapid pace and are advancing successfully. This project is of exceptional importance for the development of national infrastructure and the improvement of connections between the two large...

Meeting of the Consultative Council 18.02.2025

The Agency for the Support of Local Self-Government organized on 18.02.2025 the meeting of the Consultative Council under the direction of co-chairs Mr. Arbjan Mazniku, Minister of State for Local Government and Mr. Aldrin Dalipi, Chairman, Associati...