Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

The first meeting of the Inter-institutional Working Group was chaired by the Minister of State for Local Government, Mr. Arbjan Mazniku – Head of the Inter-institutional Working Group. Mr. Mazniku emphasized the importance of discussing and approving the indicators for the start of the performance measurement exercise at the local level. It was also emphasized that the use of the Performance Measurement System will serve as an evaluation mechanism and a mechanism that will guide the government’s support for local government sector problems. The list of indicators will be enriched in the future with measurable indicators, which the municipalities have. In cases where data is not available from all municipalities, these indicators can be included in the list of partial indicators. At the end of the speech, the leader of the group requested the commitment of the members for comments and suggestions related to the selected indicators. The list of selected indicators was approved with the changes proposed in this meeting for the inclusion of the above-mentioned fields.