Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Some of the most important draft acts that will soon be passed by the government were discussed with the mayors during the meeting of the Consultative Council, such as:

  • Draft law “On some additions and amendments to decision no. 867 dated 10.12.2014 on cooperation procedures in state administration institutions”
  • Draft law “On an amendment to Law No. 35/2023 on the competences for determining salaries, other financial treatments and benefits of employees in public administration institutions as well as the minimum wage at the national level”
  • Draft decision “On the rules of implementation on the contribution of the private sector in the creation of the public social housing fund”
  • Draft order “On the approval of the regulation on the standardization and administration of tourist trails”
  • Draft instruction “On the procedures for granting temporary use of pasture territories, part of protected areas”
  • Draft decision “On determining the criteria and procedures for leasing non-agricultural state lands”
  • Draft Order “No.199, dated 07.05.2024 kindergarten quality assessment framework”
  • Project-Guide “Methodology for conducting internal and external evaluation of kindergarten”

One of the most important draft acts discussed was the significant increase in salaries for municipal employees. Salaries will be calculated regardless of the municipality, no longer differentiating them according to the number of residents. Municipalities will also benefit from the agreement with the University of Tirana, enabling students to carry out work practice according to their needs.