Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

A trained, skilled and professional staff in our municipalities is vital for guaranteeing quality service to our citizens. Therefore, we appreciate the role of the Regional School for Public Administration in strengthening and training the local administration. Together with the establishment of the Academy, we aim to strengthen our municipalities to increase their capacities and to make them ready to embrace EU reforms but also to obtain more funds by applying to European Union programs.
At the initiative of the Minister of State for Local Government, AMVV in cooperation with SHAV, ASPA, SHKQSH and with the support of the “Strong Municipalities” Project have developed trainings for the permanent committees of municipal councils. The purpose of these trainings was to strengthen the role of the Municipal Council Committees in reviewing draft acts, evaluating them and preparing reports on proposals to the councilors in the council session, with the aim of creating successful councils. The trainings were conducted in two phases, where the first phase had as its objective the training of the pre-school education commissions and the public services commissions (waste management), while the second phase had as its objective the training of the economy-finance commissions and the gender equality commissions.