Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

I. Join the process of Albania’s integration into the European Union in May 2022

This report presents the progress of local self-government institutions in the process of Albania’s integration into the European Union in terms of fulfilling the obligations arising from the criteria and commitments of the European integration process, during the year 2022.

II. Intermunicipal cooperation in the Western Balkans

This report summarizes examples from EU and OECD countries where Intermunicipal Cooperation (ICC) has a long and successful history. The report also provides an analysis of the legal basis, support, incentives and practical data of the BNB in ​​the administrations of the Western Balkans. The document offers some specific recommendations for municipal administrations to inform them how to benefit from the BNB.

III. Join the process of Albania’s integration into the European Union in 2021

The 5th report presents the progress of local self-government institutions in the process of Albania’s integration into the European Union in terms of the fulfillment of the obligations arising from the criteria and commitments of the European integration process during the year 2021.

IV. Join the process of Albania’s integration into the European Union in 2020

The fourth report of the national assessment of the performance of the Local Self-Government Units includes the achievements, problems and challenges in the exercise of the functions and activities of the municipalities during 2020, as well as the progress in the implementation of sectoral policies and the obligations arising from the implementation of the agenda of European integration, at the local level, in the main areas related to the political criterion, the economic criterion and the ability to fulfill the obligations of membership.

V. Join the process of Albania’s integration into the European Union in 2019

The 3rd report highlights the progress of the local government in the process of Albania’s integration into the European Union in terms of the fulfillment during 2019 of the obligations within the criteria and commitments of the European integration process. The European Integration Units in each municipality have coordinated the internal organization of data collection, while the orientation and monitoring of the reporting process has been carried out by the Agency for the Support of Local Self-Government.

VI.Bashkite ne procesin e Integrimit te Shqiperise ne Bashkimin Evropian 2018

This is the second annual report “Municipalities in the Integration Process of Albania in the EU”. The report aims to present the progress made by Albanian municipalities during 2018 in relation to the fulfillment of responsibilities as defined by the existing strategic and legal framework and in relation to alignment with the acceptance criteria and EU standards.