Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

At the end of the “Municipality for Europe” project, present with an important presence were Mrs. Majlinda Dhuka and the Head of the Delegation of the European Union in Albania, Mr. Silvio Gonzato. During this event, the key importance of municipalities in the European integration process of Albania was emphasized.

Albania is closer than ever to integration into the European Union. The opening of negotiations and the implementation of key reforms put local government at the center of this process, as around 70% of EU legislation is implemented at the local level.

The Albanian government has demonstrated a strong commitment to support local government, realizing a historic increase in funding for municipalities through #Budget2025, which reaches the value of 890 million euros. This considerable support, in cooperation with the ongoing assistance of the European Union, guarantees the strengthening of the municipalities’ capacities to offer European level services to every citizen, everywhere in Albania.