Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Decision no. 227 dated 9.4.2024 “On the Organization and Functioning of the Agency for the Support of Local Self-Government”

The Agency for the Support of Local Self-Government (AMVV) functions as an institution subordinate to the Minister of State for Local Government, whose activity is carried out according to the provisions of VKM no. 227, dated 9.4.2024. “On the organization and operation of the agency for the support of local self-government”.

In a historical context, the Agency was created for the first time with VKM no. 83, dated 28.1.2015, “On the creation and functioning of the agency for the implementation of territorial reform” with the initial name “Agency for the Implementation of Territorial Reform” (AZRT) with a limited scope of responsibility in providing assistance to guarantee the continuity of functions and public services, at the local level, within the implementation of the administrative-territorial reform.

The current mission of AMVV is to continuously guarantee support to LGUs, efficiently and effectively fulfilling responsibilities mainly related to:

    1. The support of the Minister of State for Local Government, in the preparation of opinions on draft acts or other documents, related to issues related to local self-government units or decentralization;
    2. Monitoring the implementation of the Intersectoral Strategy for Decentralization and Local Governance and the relevant action plan;
    3. Periodically informing public institutions, interest groups and citizens about issues related to local self-government;
    4. Providing information related to local self-government issues, in order to coordinate central and local public institutions to solve various problems, as well as draw up periodic reports and analyzes on these issues;
    5. Providing legal or technical advice to local self-government units, alone or in cooperation with other structures, for exercising or improving work in exercising their functions, etc.