Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Monitoring report for the year 2023 of the Intersectoral Strategy for Decentralization and Local Governance 2023-2030 (Albania)

Monitoring report for the year 2023 of the Intersectoral Strategy for Decentralization and Local Governance 2023-2030 (English)

Intersectoral Strategy for Decentralization and Local Governance 2023-2030

The process of drafting the Strategy began in April 2022 with the approval of the planning of the strategic plan, according to Prime Minister’s Order no. 76, dated 22.04.2022 “On the establishment of the inter-institutional working group for the drafting of the cross-sectoral strategy for decentralization and local governance, and the 2023-2025 action plan”. After almost a year of work on the drafting and consultation of the draft strategy, approved by decision no. 252, dated 20.04.2023 “On the approval of the Strategy Intersectoral for Decentralization and Local Governance 2023-2030”, of its Action Plan 2023-2025 and Passport of Indicators. The strategy aims at the further consolidation of decentralization, quality and comprehensive services and efficiency and transparency according to European standards. The Strategic Document contains 6 political goals, 22 specific objectives and 179 measures for implementation.

Decision no. 252 dated 20.04.2023 “For the approval of the cross-sectoral strategy for decentralization and local governance 2023-2030 and its action plan and passport of indicators”

Order no. 76 dated 22.04.2022 “On the establishment of the inter-institutional work group and the technical work group for the drafting of the cross-sectoral strategy for decentralization and local governance and the 2023-2030 action plan