Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

This category includes reports, guidelines, good practices and progress reports on the coordination of foreign financing at the local level and good practices from projects financed by donors.

I. Guidance manual for the coordination of foreign financing at the local level

The purpose of this manual is to guide and orient the staff of the European Integration structures set up in each municipality by Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 450 dated 26.07.2018, in fulfilling their mission for the coordination and coordination of foreign financing at the local level. This manual informs on the procedures and mechanisms through which foreign financing can be secured in support of priorities and policies at the local level.

II. Good practices 

The ‘EU for Municipalities’ project, with the financial support of the European Union, has drawn up a document summarizing case studies of municipalities that have marked significant achievements.

III. Progress report 2021-2022 projects financed by donors

This is the first report produced in Albania that presents the capacities of the Municipalities of Albania to access and implement projects financed by donors. The report was prepared under the coordination of the Local Government Support Agency, and with the support of the EU-funded technical assistance project “Municipalities for Europe”. The report presents aggregate data for all projects in implementation during the 2021-2022 time period, reported by 61 municipalities. The report provides the public with information on externally funded projects for which the municipalities have applied to various donors and which are implemented by the Municipalities of Albania.