Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

The drafting of Good Practices is an instrument that enables the exchange of information by municipalities on successful examples in the execution of the functions of Local Self-Government Units and the provision of public services. Best practices can be in the form of detailed reports or guides documenting strategies, policies, procedures and successful activities implemented by municipalities. These documents provide detailed knowledge on solving problems and improving services, serving as a reference point for other municipalities that have similar challenges. This instrument for good governance has been integrated in the programs for local self-government, as well as in the implementation of the Intersectoral Strategy for Decentralization and Local Government, 2023-2030 (SNDQV).

Order no. 213 dated 13.12.2023 for some changes and an addition to order no. 17 dated 20.02.2023 of the Prime Minister for the creation of an inter-institutional working group for drafting legal proposals for improving the quality of public services provided by self-government units local through the performance measurement system

Order no. 17 dated 20.02.2023 for the creation of the inter-institutional working group for the drafting of legal proposals for improving the quality of public services provided by local self-government units through the system of measuring the performance of public services

Good Practice Lezha Municipality

Good Practice Berat Municipality

Good Practice Vlora Municipality

Best Practices 2021

Best Practices 2018