Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Meeting regarding Performance indicators

The first meeting of the Inter-institutional Working Group was chaired by the Minister of State for Local Government, Mr. Arbjan Mazniku – Head of the Inter-institutional Working Group. Mr. Mazniku emphasized the importance of discussing and approv...

Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Performance

Within the framework of the Prime Minister’s Order No. 213, dated 13.12.2023, “On some changes and an addition to the Prime Minister’s Order No. 17, dated 20.02.2023, “On the establishment of the inter-institutional working gr...

Meeting of the first working group for the Academy

The first meeting of the inter-institutional working group was opened by the Chairman of the group, Minister of State for Local Government, Mr. Arbjan Mazniku, who stressed the importance of this meeting for the establishment of the Local Government ...