Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Inspection of the “Mihal Shahini” Vocational High School

Inspection of the “Mihal Shahini” vocational high school, together with the Mayor of Cerrik Municipality, Mr. Andi Salla and the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Dhimo Kote. This institution is the only one with a...

Open call for applications under the DALIA Project

Open call for applications under the DALIA Project The DALIA project aims to transfer the knowledge gained from the DALIA pilot regions to new pilot regions with similar conditions, engaging local and regional authorities to choose one of the pilot r...

Open call for applications under the Visegrad Fund

Open call for applications under the Visegrad Fund The Visegrad+ Fund supports projects that contribute to the processes of democratization and transformation in the countries of the Western Balkans and the regions of the Eastern Partnership. You can...

Meeting of the Consultative Council dated July 29, 2024

At the meeting of the Consultative Council, very important decisions were adopted to support local government in significantly increasing employee salaries. With this measure, we will unify the level of salaries in all municipalities of Albania by en...