Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Training related to the strengthening of local finances in Shkodër

The training was held in Shkoder, in collaboration with the Local Finances project and ASPA was held within the framework of achieving the strategic objective of strengthening local finances as an important pillar of the decentralization agenda. In t...

LEAD Albania Program

Google’s study has concluded that what motivates employees in their workplaces is being part of something bigger and having a purpose. This is exactly what the LEAD Albania program from @the_aadf has done by giving many young people excellent o...

Expo Albania Business

At the presentation of Expo Albania Business, the latest project of @albanianinvestmentcorporation , @kokonaelira for the construction of an international center for holding fairs and other diverse events, together with colleagues @blendi.gonxhja , @...