Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

<p style=”font-family: times-new-roman; font-size: 20px; text-align: justify; color: black;”>Work continues at a fast pace on the Tirana – Durres Railway Renaissance site, a targeted project aimed at modernizing and improving activities in this region. This major investment will have a fast and efficient connection between the city of Durrës, Tirana and “Mother Teresa” International Airport, including a total of 11 stations that will be located on this route. The realization of the project will contribute to the acquisition of the enterprise and the improvement of services for passengers, as well as to the improvement of the efficiency of its transport in the acquisition of the most populated of the country. The project is part of the activities necessary to live together and for all inter-city connections, since there can be economic and touristic development.</p>