Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Local Finances, in cooperation with AMVV, organized training related to Taxpayers’ Service and Complaints Management at the local level. This training aimed to provide in-depth knowledge to the representatives of the municipalities regarding the collection of taxes and the rights of taxpayers, emphasizing the importance of transparency in the calculation and collection of local obligations.
The activity was evaluated as an important step for improving services to taxpayers and increasing transparency in the management of local taxes. Municipalities contributed by showing high interest in this process, offering their knowledge and experiences. The trainers were ready to interact in a professional manner.
At the end, the participants were provided with certificates, reflecting their commitment to improve services to taxpayers and increase transparency in the management of local taxes.
In this training, local tax collection, complaint management and administrative appeal were discussed, considering the right to appeal as an essential aspect of the state. The participants were introduced to the legal basis on the rights and obligations of taxpayers and supporting acts, as well as the importance of technological developments for improving access to information. The training also included discussions on the specifics of tax collection by agents and issues related to fines for administrative offences.