Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

In the city of Lezha, local government services and their concrete results have made great strides forward in addressing the needs of citizens and the community, an achievement that has come as a result of the implementation of the territorial reform. This reform has brought important changes and improved the infrastructure of public services, bringing the level of local government services to a much higher level than a few years ago.

Municipalities, including Lezha, are being transformed into more efficient, more open and more willing institutions to meet the needs of their citizens. The local government has become more organized and more ready to react in time and to offer solutions that directly affect the daily life of citizens. This has led to a significant increase in the quality of public services, including health care, education, infrastructure maintenance and other local services.

This efficiency has also been followed by an increase in transparency and access for citizens in the decision-making of the municipality, ensuring that they have the opportunity to express their opinions and contribute to the development of the community. Over time, municipalities are creating opportunities for better resource management and stronger cooperation with citizens, increasing their potential to guarantee higher standards of community living.

In this context, the citizens of Lezha, as well as others in other cities, are feeling the improvement of living conditions and the sustainable development of the community, which is a direct benefit of the commitment of the local government to provide quality and acceptable services. for everyone.