Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Within the framework of the publication of the Municipal Performance Indicators Report, the Minister of State for Local Government and AMVV, with the support of the “Strong Municipalities” project, organized the thematic roundtable “Human Resources and European Integration”, where the findings from the report were presented and discussed performance for these areas.  The 2025 Performance Grant was also presented.

In the framework of the territorial reform and the improvement of services, the municipality of Berat has invested in strengthening human resources and increasing transparency, including citizens in decision-making processes and providing better opportunities for their engagement in the development of the city.

Through the support from the “Strong Municipalities” project, the municipality of Berat has had the opportunity to further strengthen its institutional capacities and fulfill the requirements for European integration, making it a model for other municipalities in Albania.