Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Based on the order no. 213 dated 13.12.2023 for some changes and an addition to the order no. 17 dated 20.02.2023 of the Prime Minister for the creation of the inter-institutional working group for drafting legal proposals for improving the quality of public services provided by the units of local self-government through the performance measurement system on Thursday 31.10.2024 was organized meeting with the Inter-institutional Work Group for evaluating the performance of the municipalities. In this meeting, the main findings were presented, which includes services and local good governance.

The measured indicators will help the municipalities not only to continuously improve their service in response to the needs of the citizens and the efficiency of the provision of services, but will also orient the financing based on performance.

The meeting was attended by representatives from AMVV, MAS, MEKI, MF, MIE, MTM and BTF.