Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

The Association for Local Autonomy organized the First Meeting of the Forum of Pre-University Education, with high participation of The Agency for Support to Local Self-Government and with municipal leaders. This forum aims to strengthen the role of local government in managing pre-university education and improving the quality of education service through:

  • Strengthening the capacities of municipal staff for managing pre-university education;
  • Improving the quality of educational service at the local level;
  • Sharing experiences and best practices among municipalities;
  • Making recommendations and taking initiatives on strategies and legal acts to improve education.

In cooperation with AMVV and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Sports, School of Directors, there was a discussion on the Pre-University Education Plan and the opportunities to receive from the Performance Grant, addressing local government addresses in this field.
To continue this process, there will be other regional meetings to introduce the type plan model, in order to further involve and engage all education stakeholders.

This meeting marks an important step towards strengthening pre-university education and building a strong platform for sharing better knowledge and experiences!