Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

In the Municipality of Prrenjas with the Mayor, Nuri Belba, and his team, we held a fruitful and constructive meeting, where the great works of the municipality for the improvement of the area were highlighted, including several important projects that have been carried out so far.
During the meeting, issues were also raised by the leaders present, highlighting various areas that require special attention to further promote economic development. As an area with great forestry and agricultural potential, it was discussed that the government will continue to support these
sectors, contributing to their sustainable development. We noted some of the priorities that will need special attention, such as educational infrastructure with the reconstruction of sports grounds, and continued support in centers for children with special needs.
With the wonderful nature of Rrajce and Shebenik Park, but also the fantastic cuisine that the area offers, tourism is an excellent opportunity for the further economic development of Prrenjas.