Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Albania, a destination filled with unique nature, rich history and unique traditions, has reached an important moment in its tourism development. Having consolidated its position as a stable and versatile tourism destination, this year it was chosen as the Place of Honor at the International Tourism Fair, ITB Berlin, which is recognized as one of the largest and most prestigious trade fairs in the industry.

This title comes after a period of strong and stable development of the tourism sector, becoming an attractive place for visitors from all over the world. Moreover, Albania will be presented at this global event with a new, refined and enriched image, showing the many experiences and opportunities that this country has to offer. From the crystal coast to the high mountains and cities rich in history, Albania has managed to position itself as a special destination, offering a wide range of experiences for all those who seek to discover its essence.

This historic moment is a great achievement, not only for the tourism sector, but for the entire country, which will benefit from increased visitors and new investment opportunities.