Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

We are working to significantly increase the salaries of municipal employees in the second half of 2024 in order to increase the quality of services to citizens. Undoubtedly, in this effort, the municipalities must also do their part by providing a qualified and trained personnel that has results in collecting revenue and treating our citizens with dignity. Together with the colleagues of the Ministry of Finance, we also discussed the improvement of the allocation of transfers that the government gives to local governments, where for the first time performance-based financing will be introduced. Municipalities that have better results will receive more money. In total, orientation manuals have been prepared for the 61 municipalities of the country “For the implementation of structures and organizations in local self-government units”, according to the grouping that each municipality belongs to, depending on the number of the population. The basic goal is to improve the effectiveness of local government in the exercise of functions and the provision of public services, by jointly integrating a series of concrete steps in the further advancement of this joint initiative. The manuals clarify the functioning of the local self-government units, making a solid separation between the structures that draft policies and the structures that implement them. In these materials, the organization of the structures is explained in a general way, giving a brief description of the functional duties and legal responsibilities.