Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Tirana Legal Aid Society (TLAS), in cooperation with the European Union and the Council of Europe, carried out an awareness-raising activity in Kamëz, focused on property rights and compensation mechanisms. This activity aimed to raise awareness of local communities, especially marginalized ones such as Roma and Egyptians, to improve access to legal services and to strengthen understanding of legal processes.

During the activity, the importance of legal remedies for marginalized groups and their role in ensuring equal access to justice was discussed. Participants, including local government representatives and community members, explored challenges related to property rights and possible solutions. Knowledge of Law No. 133/2015, related to property handling and compensation, were shared with those present.

Giulia Re, Head of the Office of the Council of Europe in Tirana, emphasized the importance of cooperation between the European Union, the Council of Europe and civil society to help build trust in legal resources. Raimonda Bozo, Executive Director of TLAS, emphasized the importance of legal empowerment as a tool for strengthening social justice for marginalized groups.

This activity is part of a wider initiative that includes similar activities in Rrogozhinë and Kavajë, to reach vulnerable communities. The initiative is supported by the European Union and the Council of Europe for the promotion of human rights and the guarantee of justice. For more information and legal assistance, TLAS offers a helpline (+355692093731) on property rights and compensation mechanisms.