Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

The retreat organized with the Minister of State for Local Government and with the staff of the Self-Government Support and Evaluation Agency (AMVV) offered discussions for reflection, exchange of ideas and review of achievements and challenges faced during 2024.

Participants in the retreat had the opportunity to analyze their professional experiences and discuss the best ways to improve the services and support AMVV offers to local governments. The activities are focused on the development of leadership skills, human resource management and improving the evaluation and monitoring processes of the municipalities’ performance.

During the retreat, the staff worked to identify opportunities for improving transparency and efficiency in daily work, contributing to a more responsible administration and more engaged in meeting the objectives for the year 2025 of local government development.

This activity has also been an opportunity to strengthen ties between colleagues and to create an open and collaborative environment, where ideas and lessons learned from experience are sound for the advancement of AMVV’s work.