Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

With the Prime Minister, Mr. Edi Rama and with the General Director of the Albanian Cadastre, Ms. Dallendyshe Bici and colleagues from the local government, where the decision taken by the government to include municipalities in the process of legalizing housing was presented.
DCM no. 435, dated 26.6.2024, for an addition to DCM no. 867, dated 10.12.2014, “On cooperation procedures in state administration institutions” aims at the cooperation of municipalities with ASHK, MSHPV, AMVV, AIE to accelerate the legalization process for unauthorized constructions within the territory covered by the municipality according to the territorial division in force. The municipality gives importance to geographical blocks in the function of territorial planning, exchanges information, identifies subjects on the ground and informs subjects by acting as intermediaries in the process.