Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

At the meeting of the Consultative Council on January 28, 2025, with the presence of the Minister of State for Local Government, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Rector of the Agricultural University of Tirana, the cooperation with this university was formalized, opening a new chapter in strengthening of the capacities of the Local Government in the service of the communities.

 In the framework of this cooperation, the following will be carried out:
✅ 20 pre-feasibility projects for the most efficient selection of crops;
✅ 10 manuals on production and marketing, dedicated to farmers;
✅ 10 rural and agro-tourism development plans, which will transform entire areas;
✅ 100 training sessions for strengthening the capacities of the administration and farmers.

This partnership aims to promote sustainable development and bring concrete improvements in the agricultural and rural sectors.