Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

At the “Ali Sollaku” school in Roskovec, together with Ms. Majlinda Bufi and friends of USAID and UNICEF to discuss with the local community, parents, teachers and students about the reconstruction of the school and the infrastructural improvements that they themselves think are necessary. UNICEF supported by USAID has collaborated with 6 municipalities to assess the school infrastructure and the “Ali Sollaku” school, is one of 22 schools that has benefited from technical assistance to develop a detailed reconstruction model, giving it the opportunity to apply for funding from the Ministry of Education grant. Gratitude to UNICEF and USAID for the help they provide to our communities to increase the quality of teaching and to create a roadmap for the work that needs to be done in order to be able to generate income from various programs.