Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

At the Consultative Council on October 4, two very important initiatives for the Local Government were presented. The first is the proposal to amend the law “On Co-Ownership”, significantly improving the way in which common premises should be maintained. Municipalities will have a more active role in this process. Their competence will include ordering the inspection of buildings on their own initiative. The municipality can also set maintenance fees if the co-owners do not agree. The other initiative was the task that was left at the joint meeting between the Government and the Municipalities in Shkodër.
Also presented was the launch of a platform, where the Mayors of Municipalities will periodically discuss online with representatives of the government cabinet to coordinate their work and to talk about the problems that require cooperation between these two powers to be resolved. This platform is now ready and the first meeting will be held soon.