Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

The Agency for the Support of Local Self-Government organized on 18.02.2025 the meeting of the Consultative Council under the direction of co-chairs Mr. Arbjan Mazniku, Minister of State for Local Government and Mr. Aldrin Dalipi, Chairman, Association of District Councils.

During this meeting, a number of projects that have a direct impact on the development and operation of local units were discussed. Among the main agenda topics:

🔹Changes in the decision on the coordination of the European integration process between the central government and local units;

🔹Implementation of Decision No. 1/2024 on the establishment and functioning of the Committee of Regions (RoC);

🔹Drafting of internal regulations of the Consultative Council and creation of Ad Hoc Commissions;

🔹National Tourism Strategy 2025-2030 and action plan;

🔹Rules for the development of airport areas.

This meeting represents an important step towards the strengthening of local autonomy and the European integration of Albania, ensuring a comprehensive and well-coordinated approach to the development of local and national policies.

The Local Self-Government Support Agency continues to play an active role in the institutional dialogue, committing to the effective representation of the interests of local government units and their integration into national policies and reforms.