Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Municipalities are able to serve better and provide more effective services when they work closely with each other. This helps build bridges that promote individual and collective progress, going beyond local borders. Cooperation between municipalities is essential to address common challenges and optimize resources.
In this context, we are working with SIGMA and AMVV to create a legal basis that will enable the formation of public companies for specific services. These companies will be dedicated to the management of emergency situations, such as civil emergencies, as well as waste management, two areas that require an integrated approach and close coordination between municipalities.
The creation of these companies will bring tangible benefits, improving the efficiency of services and ensuring better management of resources. Furthermore, this cooperation will strengthen the overall capacities of local administration and contribute to the sustainable development of our communities. In this way, we are committed to building a safer and more sustainable future for our citizens.