Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

In the presence of Prime Minister Edi Rama, Mrs. Albana Kogiu and Minister of State Arbjan Mazniku, discussions were held with the Mayors on increasing the readiness of personnel regarding civil emergencies and supporting citizens in coping with natural disasters.

During the meeting, three important instruments were highlighted, through which Local Government can help residents, families and businesses:

The Conditional Fund for Civil Emergencies, which this year reached 800 million ALL, can be used to compensate those affected by fires and floods;

Government funding of preventive infrastructure projects, which has made 1.3 billion ALL available this year;

The Dam Maintenance Fund, with 500 million ALL to implement 14 critically important projects that will help protect against floods.

All local leaders should maximize efforts to increase the absorption of these significant funds, while within October 2024 the National Civil Protection Agency will organize a national call for preventive infrastructure projects, to anticipate the needs of the next season. Time for quick and effective action, so that the coming months can be dedicated to the highest quality training of personnel in every corner of the country and the establishment of early warning systems.