Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Ecole42, the excellent French institution for training young people in programming, is now officially starting its function in our Tirana. All young people over 18 years of age who are talented and passionate about the field will be able to find this school right in the house of technology and innovation, in the heart of Tirana, at Piramida. An extraordinary window of opportunity that will serve 150 young people every year to increase their capacities to the most excellent and internationally competitive levels and this is not only thanks to the vision of the Government and @ediramaal to invest in this direction, but also thanks to the cooperation with our excellent partners @the_aadf and Michael Granoff, @martin.m.mata and Aleksandër Sarapuli and @bashkiatirane , @erionveliaj