Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

The role of AMVV in European Integration

The Agency for the Support of Local Self-Government, as an intermediate link between the central and local governments, has an important role in empowering municipalities as partners in policy-making and in increasing their capacities in the absorption and management of EU funds for regional development, as well as the funds of other donors that contribute towards the preparation of Albania to be a member country of the European Union. For this purpose, AMVV cooperates with the leaders of the municipality, with the municipal councils and with the European Integration Units, which are already part of the organic structure of each municipality. Empowering the latter, through training and special projects, is an important part of the work of AMVV.

Decision no. 450 dated 26.7.2018 “For the reconciliation and coordination of the European Integration process between the central government and local self-government units”

Contacts of integration units in 61 municipalities