Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

The Agency for Local Self-Government Support attaches particular importance to gender equality and the development of the country by strengthening the figure of women in decision-making. On March 7, on the eve of International Women’s Day, in Tirana, with the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ms. Anila Denaj, the Minister of Health and Social Protection, Ms. Albana Koçiu, the Ambassador of Italy, Mr. Marco Alberti, Ms. Evelina Azizaj, National Coordinator of the Albanian Network for Rural Development and Ms. Olta Caca, Director of Statistics and Performance at the Agency for Local Self-Government Support, an event was held to present the project “Strengthening the Role of Women for Rural Development in Northern Albania”. This project, implemented by UN Women and financed by the Italian Government through AICS Tirana, with a fund of 2.1 million euros, aims to improve the socio-economic position of women in rural communities in the north.

The project focuses on:
✔ Supporting women’s entrepreneurship, creating economic opportunities and increasing financial independence;
✔ Strengthening services against gender-based violence, for greater protection of women and girls in rural areas;
✔ Promoting inclusive value chains in agriculture, ensuring the active participation of women in the agricultural sector;
✔ Improving local policies for women, to ensure a more equal access to decision-making and economic development.

In this context, participants appreciated the importance of cooperation between public institutions, international organizations and local communities to build a more just and sustainable future for women in Albania.