Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Within the framework of local government, the Minister of State for Local Government and the Agency for Support of Local Self-Government have an important role in supporting infrastructure projects, as they directly affect the development of local units. One of these projects includes the works of the new Shëngjin-Velipoja road, which is in the final stages of construction. This new road will offer an excellent opportunity to enjoy the natural beauties of this region. This infrastructure project, which is progressing at a rapid pace, will open an easier and faster connection between two popular tourist destinations, Shëngjin and Velipoja. The completion of this road will contribute to the promotion of tourism and will offer new opportunities for visitors who want to explore the undiscovered Albania. It will enrich the travel experience, and will pave the way for the further development of tourism in this wonderful area.