Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

At the next meeting of the Inter-institutional Working Group for Integration, focusing on chapter 22 of the negotiations with the European Union, which is related to Regional Policies, it will be discussed how this process can practically serve citizens in every corner of the country. This chapter is essential for the sustainable development of the regions and for the improvement of living conditions, ensuring that regional development policies and strategies are oriented towards improving the quality of life for all citizens, without exception.

This process will have a direct impact on the way decisions are made and how resources are allocated for the development of the regions, enabling a fair and equal use of the opportunities offered by integration with the European Union. Regional policies will create opportunities for balanced development in every part of the country, ensuring a fair distribution of investments and projects, as well as strengthening infrastructure and public services at the local level.

Through this chapter, it is intended that every citizen, regardless of their location, has the opportunity to benefit from the integration processes. Likewise, an evaluation of the possibilities for the creation of appropriate structures and mechanisms will be made that will enable an effective implementation of these policies and a sustainable support for regional development, ensuring that every citizen feels the direct and concrete benefits of this integration process.