Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

During the presentation of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) module, developed within the European integration platform and the membership process, the importance of this tool for continuous support of the work of experts who are engaged in this process was emphasized. This module aims to provide a powerful digital assistant to over 1400 integration experts who are engaged in the preparation and implementation of measures for the country’s membership in the European Union.

The AI ​​module offers advanced opportunities for optimizing daily work, enabling the automation of some complex processes and improving efficiency in the handling of documents and integration procedures. This technology provides opportunities for experts to be involved in a faster and more accurate way in the preparation of reports, analyzes and recommendations for the fulfillment of the conditions and standards required by the European Union.

This initiative is an important step for improving the quality of work and speeding up the integration process, enabling a closer communication and cooperation between the institutions and experts that contribute to this strategic roadmap. The help that this module offers to specialists in the field is essential for meeting the requirements of the accession process and helps to implement the policies and reforms necessary to meet European standards.