Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

Albania registers 560,000 foreign visitors in January 2025, marking a significant increase of 14.5% compared to the same period last year. This result is almost three times higher compared to 2021, reflecting a stable and comprehensive development of the tourism industry in the country.

This growth trend is a clear indicator that Albania has managed to pass the phase of seasonal tourism and has consolidated a new model of sustainable tourism. Foreign visitors are now attracted by a much wider range of tourism opportunities that include not only popular beaches but also other destinations such as guesthouses, mountain trails, historic towns, museums and castles. The increase in the number of visitors is accompanied by a diversification of tourism, where Albania is increasingly becoming a country known for nature, culture and adventure tourism. This has also contributed to the extension of the tourist season, which is now more present throughout the year and not only in the summer months.

In the next four years, Albania is likely to become the leader of the tourism industry in the Balkans, offering new opportunities for sustainable development and positioning itself as a top destination for international tourists. This will not only bring economic growth, but will also contribute to strengthening the country as an undiscovered and very attractive place for all those looking for a special experience.