Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

The Strong Municipality Project (BtF) organized today the next meeting with the Steering Committee, which consists of the Minister of State for Local Government, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Swedish Development Agency (SIDA), the Agency for Support of Local Self-Government (AMVV), Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Tourism and Environment, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, ASPA – Albanian School of Public Administration, Association for Local Autonomy, Association of Shaiperia Districts, mayors and municipal councils.

In his welcoming speech, the Minister of State for Local Government highlighted the successful cooperation so far and the commitment of the “BtF Project” to achieve common objectives aimed at strengthening local self-government and improving services for citizens.  The main points discussed were related to the main priority issues of the central government for 2025, the achievements for 2024 and the presentation of the work plan for 2025. This presentation was followed by another presentation from AMVV regarding the performance grant, criteria, deadlines, etc.

Strong Municipalities is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC and the Government of Sweden, implemented by Helvetas. The main goal of the project is for Albanian citizens to benefit from the improvement of governance and services at the local level according to the minimum and affordable standards approved for a sustainable system in the country. SDC and the Government of Sweden support inclusive processes and the empowerment of system actors for a responsible local government in the service of citizens.