Agjencia Për Mbështetjen e Vetqeverisjes Vendore

“Mountain Package” – A New Step for the Development of Mountain Areas!

The Council of Ministers approved the Draft Law of the “Mountain Package”, a historic initiative for the mountain economy, which aims at special support for the purpose of economic recovery, promotion of employment, improvement of living conditions and responsible use of natural resources, protection of the ecosystem , territorial values ​​and traditions. This initiative has a special emphasis on the expansion of the tourist map and the use of the nationwide potential of these areas in the function of tourism and alpine activities, as a main engine of economic development.

This draft low:

1. Facilitates procedures for ownership and construction in mountainous areas;

2. Supports investments with stimulating and favorable fiscal policies;

3. Promotes sustainable economic development.

The “Mountains Package” opens the doors for the diversification of the economy and the development of these areas, encouraging the Albanian diaspora to return as an investor in the lands of the ancestors.